Let's start learning these two English words. Raw Food literally means raw food. A new frontier?
Well, if you think about it, it's the diet of Homo sapiens in its early days when it had not yet discovered the benefits of the divine fire. Raw foods mean all those foods that have not undergone cooking through the use of direct flame heat. Those that have not lost all their nutrients due to high temperatures.
From SANA in Bologna, the International Organic event, what has emerged most strongly is precisely this new frontier. Adopted by numerous Hollywood stars, raw foodism is becoming a very popular movement in our country as well, especially among women and men in its vegan version.
And here is the proliferation of vegetables, dried fruits, legume creams, cereals, smoothies, etc... but raw foodism also reveals its non-Vegan soul with all those cured meats that have not been cooked, and there are many. Parma and San Daniele above all, but also horse shreds and other dried meats in the purest ancestral style.
This phenomenon that is conquering the westernized world moves towards the idea of a healthier and more balanced nutrition, rich in nutrients that are still easily assimilable and not lost in cooking waters. A world that has a very interesting existential logic and is scientifically proven. Not simple for those who love good everyday cooking. In short, pasta cooked raw would be a bit difficult to achieve even though attempts are being made with cold cooking methods.
Once again this year from SANA, some very interesting indications for a world, that of BIO, which is in clear growth, as evidenced by the increasingly high number of visitors to this fair that has gone from skepticism to being strongly trendy and shaping markets, even the most traditional ones.
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