The summer has now come to an end, slowly we start putting away swimsuits and light clothes and we begin to resign ourselves to the idea that with September we return to the usual routine and intensive study sessions are now approaching. But don't worry!
Here are our tips for a healthy and nutritious breakfast, for a super charged back to school!
Back to School: those returning to school know well that this means reuniting with old friends and sharing unique experiences, but also encountering the most feared teachers and intensive study sessions. And with all this stress, between always late buses and bells ringing, who finds the time to have a calm and relaxing breakfast? Yet, breakfast is the most important meal of the day to which we should dedicate at least ten minutes every day. Breakfast should provide about 20% of the daily caloric needs. Why is it so important? Because it replenishes the body after many hours of fasting.
First of all, the first piece of advice we give you for a healthy breakfast is to abandon classic snacks: we know well that they are convenient, quick, and not messy, just as we know that some are absolutely delicious, but packaged snacks and sweets are hypercaloric and rich in preservatives and additives. Moreover, you can be sure that by mid-morning you will already be very hungry and almost certainly rush to the nearest vending machine for yet another snack.
The ideal breakfast, rich and nutritious, helps you stay focused all morning, enhancing intellectual performance and school productivity. A healthy breakfast must absolutely include proteins, fats, and complex carbohydrates as well as vitamins, fiber, and minerals.
So, pay attention to calories and saturated fats, elements harmful to health. Therefore, abandon snacks and fast meals, pastries, and cereals and welcome muesli, dehydrated, dried, and fresh fruit, and yogurt.
It is not easy to give up the classic on-the-go breakfast, but don't worry! Try to carve out ten minutes to eat calmly in the morning. Having a healthy and nutritious breakfast before going to school or work does not mean consuming a bland and uninviting meal. Here are some ideas to start your day in a healthy and nutritious way.
If you love yogurt and fresh fruit, try a delicious fruit smoothie and pair it with muesli. You can choose the fruit to your liking, preferably seasonal. Let your imagination run wild! Red fruits, kiwi... use what you like, blend and mix the fruit puree with some Greek yogurt, rich in protein. Accompany it all with muesli, oats, and dried fruit, and your breakfast is ready.
If in the morning you can't give up your cup of milk and coffee, pair it with some great artisan cookies. Unlike industrial cookies, there are fewer ingredients, all of high quality, and you can still find many delicious and unique alternatives: kamut, coconut, almond-flavored, or vegan, the options are numerous and mouthwatering. Don't believe it? Take a look at our selection.
Another proposal is the classic slice of bread; the king of carbohydrates, bread is the favorite for simple and quick breakfasts that are still healthy. Try to consume whole grain or spelt or kamut flour bread. Rich in fiber and protein, you'll feel fuller for longer. The toppings are numerous, both savory and sweet.
The honey, jams, and spreads are a delight for the eyes and the palate: colorful, tasty... absolutely superb! Whether you are a fan of fruit or delicious spreads, it matters little; we are sure that if you take a look at our selection of jams and spreads, you will find what will steal your heart and make your mouth water immediately! Pistachio cream, almond, white chocolate, apple, apricot and spice jams: the most indulgent, whether adults or children, won't be able to resist.
If you prefer savory meals in the morning, get creative with cheeses and cold cuts, without overdoing it. A small sandwich with cheese and cold cuts can be a great snack to take to school or work, for an energetic back to school. For a light breakfast, try to consume lean cold cuts and cheeses, like cooked ham, bresaola, and goat cheese.
Sometimes, when waking up early in the morning, we don’t even hear the alarm, and getting up earlier for breakfast is more of a utopia.
Whether you are a student or a mom or dad who has to organize the morning for themselves and their children before school, here are a series of tips that we feel like giving you for a healthy and nutritious breakfast every day.
In the evening, before going to bed, organize what you will need by already setting the table: fruit, cup, cutlery, etc. Also, choose what to eat in the morning before going to bed. Remember that it's always better to vary your meals and not eat the same thing every day. If you are a fan of coffee, prepare your moka the night before: in the morning, you will only have to turn on the stove and wait for the aroma of hot coffee to fill the house.
The last piece of advice is the following: experiment! It is only by trying things out and learning to know your or your children's rhythms that you will understand how to organize the morning and your breakfast. It is the first meal of the day: try to make a healthy and tasty breakfast that you will enjoy.
Hoping to have given you some good ideas, take a look at our selection of products. We at Spaghetti & Mandolino offer a range of refined and selected products focused on enjoyment, genuineness, novelty, and respect for the land. With our products, a healthy and tasty breakfast is absolutely guaranteed.
Happy back to school to everyone!
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