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Asiago cheese DOP, taste and tradition in one form.

The Asiago cheese DOP comes from a long cheese-making tradition in Veneto. It takes its name from the town of the same name, which is located on one of the most well-known plateaus in Italy, that of Asiago and the Seven Municipalities, which covers parts of the provinces of Vicenza and Trento. Over time, the production area has expanded to include the Padua and Treviso territories. 

The mild climate, the clarity of the water, and the pure air of these areas give the pastures' vegetation the ideal characteristics for nourishing the cows, which produce the most genuine milk, perfect for being processed according to tradition and becoming the best cheese Asiago DOP (Protected Designation of Origin) known today. The true Asiago DOP bears on each slice an unmistakable branded inscription "Asiago DOP", just as each wheel bears the code and number of the dairy that produced it, guaranteeing DOP certification.

Asiago DOP cheese: a bit of history

Like many products that enjoy DOP authentication, Asiago DOP cheese has a very ancient history, dating back to the beginning of the last millennium. The production of Asiago DOP was initially carried out using sheep's milk (which was called "pegorin" in dialect). Later, around 1500, cow's milk began to replace sheep's milk, as the flavor of the product was more pleasant and rich on the palate. From this came the cheese-making technique still used today in the dairies and farms that produce the Asiago DOP we know.

Asiago DOP cheese, characteristics and aging

Asiago DOP cheese comes in various aging types, ranging from fresher to more mature. Depending on it, the texture and flavor of the product vary, as do the ways to enjoy Asiago DOP.

The aged Asiago DOP cheese is also known as Asiago DOP d'Allevo, it is produced with partially skimmed milk and has a aging that varies from 3 to over 15 months. It is presented as a compact wheel with a straw-yellow color, characterized by a small or medium-sized hole structure. The taste is pronounced and flavorful, becoming more intense with advanced aging. The aged Asiago DOP cheese is known by different names based on the aging period. When it ages from 3 to 8 months, it is called Asiago DOP Mezzano. The Asiago DOP aged from 10 to 15 months takes the name Asiago DOP d'Allevo Vecchio, while for aging up to 24 months, the cheese is known as Stravecchio, like the Asiago DOP aged 24 months. In this case, the cheese will be very compact and hard, ideal for grating.

The fresh Asiago DOP cheese is known as Asiago DOP Pressato, and is produced with whole milk. Its aging is short, ranging from 20 to 40 days. The color is lighter, from white to light straw yellow, it has a marked and irregular hole structure, and the cheese on the palate releases an intense flavor of fresh milk, very delicate and pleasant, melting in the mouth with a sweet taste and only slightly sour note, characteristic of fresh Asiago DOP cheese.

Asiago DOP cheese: nutritional values

The Asiago DOP belongs to the fundamental group of dairy products and their derivatives. Its dietary function is primarily to provide high biological value proteins, rich in essential amino acids, in addition to calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin B2. Being a cheese made from whole or partially skimmed cow's milk, it contains a relatively high amount of lipids, and it is from these that the calories mainly come, along with peptides and small amounts of carbohydrates. The fatty acids contained are mainly saturated, and the carbohydrates are simple. Asiago DOP has a high cholesterol value, therefore it is not recommended for those who suffer from hypercholesterolemia. When the aging is high, the cheese is richer in sodium, thus it is not suitable for those suffering from high blood pressure. Since there are no traces of gluten, it can instead be included in the diet of celiacs. 

Asiago DOP cheese: calories and gastronomy

A medium portion of Asiago DOP, consumed as a dish, varies from 70 to 120 grams and provides from 250 to 430 calories on average. Being of various types, Asiago DOP is very well suited for consumption as a dish or as an ingredient for recipes, but also to be grated on pasta depending on the aging. When it is fresher, it melts more easily and pairs very well with classic polenta, for example, or can be consumed as an accompaniment to a fresh aperitif. Aged Asiago DOP pairs best with acacia and lime honey, while Mezzano is suitable for filling baked pasta or tasty meat rolls of rabbit or chicken.

In any way you decide to enjoy it, Asiago DOP cheese remains unmistakable with its authentic and genuine taste, typical of the millennia-old Italian cheese-making tradition of which we cherish the flavors.

Antonella Iannò

S&M  - autoreS&M

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