It’s grilling time outdoors with friends and meat is definitely not going to be missing. Sausage, chicken breast, steak, and pork ribs. Which do you prefer?
If you’re not lacking hunger but instead want to make your barbecue richer and tastier, culinary tradition comes to your aid. With the right pairing, even the blandest turkey or chicken slice can become amazing. The sauces enhance the flavor, enrich the textures, and satisfy the palate of the hungriest.
Of course, we can already imagine the shocked face of some of you. Sauces on meat? Never, a drizzle of good oil is enough. No one here dares to question the preferences of the most purist, but that doesn’t mean there can’t be other interesting culinary proposals just waiting to be discovered.
All meat is good when cooked on the barbecue and simply brushed with oil, salt, and spices. But have you ever tried to accompany a simple chicken slice with a tasty sauce?
Having made the necessary preambles, we can now dive into the discovery of sauces for meat and their pairings.
Worcestershire sauce for your barbecue, but also for hamburgers, Bernese, chimichurri, pepper, lemon, honey, mint, garlic, and whatever else you can think of. As you can see, there are really a lot of sauces, and among the most famous, of course, there’s also ketchup, mayonnaise, and mustard.
But every sauce must be paired with the right type of meat, white or red, with more or less fat. And we must also consider the type of cooking: grilled, in a pan, or in the oven.
For the classic red meat barbecue, the most suitable sauce is naturally barbecue sauce, excellent for beef. Today there are many variants of barbecue sauce (based on ketchup, whiskey, mustard, or even chocolate) made both industrially and artisanally and distributed worldwide.
One of the ideal sauces for a meat roast is instead the one made with mustard. We’d like to suggest the one produced by the company I Vasetti di Riccardo, a mustard sauce that adds a spicy note and enhances the flavor. Naturally, nothing prevents you from using it also with grilled meat, boiled dishes, and sausages.
Staying within the same company, very interesting are the spicy sauce with Sri Lankan chili and ginger and the curry and cashew sauce. Both tasty, they go well with chicken meat, giving it an intense and satisfying flavor.
If you want to amaze your friends, you can also try an unusual thing like pesto on meat. Normally, pesto is a condiment used for pasta, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be used, for example, to make a great beef fillet, also good for giving flavor to veal scaloppine.
If you find yourself faced with hamburgers, the most convenient solution is to use a hamburger sauce often made with mayonnaise, Tabasco, ketchup, mustard, and a few drops of Worcestershire sauce, the most famous of sauces.
Sauces for meat are the ideal topping for your meat. We’ve shown you numerous pairings, more or less curious, but remember that there are no limits to taste. Feel free to try new combinations and create original recipes to astonish your guests.
Some examples are mint-based sauces, typical of ethnic recipes, especially Indian with lamb-based meat. But it’s also worth mentioning the green sauce based on parsley, capers, and anchovies, excellent for boiled meats.
Of course, we haven’t forgotten about Mexico with its spicy sauces, typical of Tex-Mex cuisine, while in Asia there are numerous soy-based and sweet-sour sauces also used in meat dishes. It’s really the case to say, the only limit you should set when you want to create a sauce for meat is your imagination.
On Spaghetti e Mandolino, you’ll find numerous sauces for meat, look for the one that suits you, order it, and you’ll receive it conveniently at home.
Francesco Scuderi
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