Blue cheese doesn't just mean Gorgonzola, which is the most famous 'green cheese' in Italy. The blending technique makes it possible to produce very refined and delicious cheeses through the development of molds that give the products intense flavors and an elegant green-blue striation inside the pasta. #39 Get ready to lick your moustache and delight yourself by watching our wide selection of blue cheeses, produced strictly by expert artisans and cheese refiners who will allow you to have only the best on the table, the elite of Italian dairy production
. #39Among the tastiest cheeses ever: these are the very refined blue cheeses, with their elegant molds that give them very intense flavors!
Spaghetti & Mandolino is l&' the only e-commerce in Italy that sells only excellent products online, and for this reason it has always been synonymous with quality. These products therefore deserve shipping and packaging in accordance with the law that preserves the integrity and freshness of each blue cheese thanks to special freshness-saving packages, to allow you to have these wonderful fresh cheeses directly at home
. #39Are you ready to taste real specialties from the Italian dairy world that we at Spaghetti and Mandolin sell online for you? The planet of blue cheeses is a delicious world full of flavors and aromas! In our wide selection you can really indulge yourself because you will not only find simple blue wines, but also refined blue ones. A riot of taste between the notes of bluish molds and the various refinements, such as those with berries (Blue 61 blue cheese above all), oseleta pomace, white passito, rum and chocolate (the very tasty Dominik Blue cheese), chestnut leaves, black tea, etc
.But what&' is this technique? Blurbing is a processing technique that allows the formation of colored mycelia of fungi of the Penicillium family during the maturation of the forms. There are different varieties of these mushrooms, such as Penicillium glaucum for the production of Gorgonzola blue cheese or Penicillium roqueforti for the production of Roquefort and Danish Blue (two excellent non-Italian cheeses). This technique consists in &' adding pure and selected cultures to the milk, before the curd, specific agents. L&' blueing gives the cheese, in addition to the elegant green-blue veins, also a characteristic sour and spicy flavor and a very particular and intense smell.
The weeding process has a fascinating history because, as in many other cases in the world of food, it was discovered in an absolutely random way. The caves where the first cheeses were left to age were, unintentionally, places where humidity and temperature greatly helped the proliferation of molds. The first blue cheese was born in 1070 in France: we are talking about Roquefort. Gorgonzola was born before Roquefort, in &' 879, but historical sources say that it did not contain colored veins before &' 11th century
3 Products / € 28,51
Stefano Bugamelli
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