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Rome in a box

FabioFabio De Vecchi

The flavors of the Capital

Whether you want to prepare carbonara, l&' amatriciana or gricia, there are some ingredients that cannot be missing!

Let's start with pasta, al dente and aromatic, it is the basis of many traditional dishes, including that of the Capital


Followed by pecorino, a distinctive cheese, with a salty and robust flavor.

Let's not forget the undisputed protagonist: the pillow! Its intense flavor is the key to enriching traditional dishes


Finally, l&' oil, which binds each ingredient to harmonize the dish.

With Rome in a box, you have what it takes to create dishes whose taste and aroma take you to walk through the streets of Rome.

Guanciale, pasta, pecorino cheese and a touch of d&' oil: the secrets for a journey into the Roman culinary tradition.

Why Spaghetti & Mandolin

Because we are certain of one thing: the products we select are from small producers, from Italian excellence, from men and women who love what they do and do it with passion. All we do is carry them, with a little' of taste, with a little' of aesthetics, with the heart of our Italianness, on your table, in the hands of those you love, those you respect. We are attentive vehicles, we are a story to tell. We are sure of one thing: we are not from the supermarket.

What does the package contain

The package contains what is indicated below (in case of lack of products, these will be replaced with items of equal value).
All images are inserted for illustrative purposes


Rome in a box: Inspiration content

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