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The history of Casearia Carpenedo begins at the beginning of 900. Antonio Carpenedo, since he was a child, has been used to helping his father, Ernesto, in the workshop, growing up in this environment. Antonio's adventure began in 1969 with the “Casata”, now known as “Casatella Trevigiana DOP”, a product with which he won the “SPINO GOLD” in the city of Thiene and with Montasio he won the Medal gold at Montasio DOP.
Refining activity began in 1976, when Antonio became aware of a peasant tradition in the Piave area during the First World War: that of placing cheese forms under fermenting pomace to hide them and protect them from the raids of soldiers.
Antonio, struck by this story, lets himself be guided by an intuition that led him to create the first forms of “cheese under pomace”, discovering how aging with wine can enrich cheese with quality, colors, flavors and unique aromas.
A few years later he decided to register the “Ubriaco” trademark, the first important trademark registered by Casearia Carpenedo.
Antonio is the first to introduce the famous “Ubriaco” cheese to the market.
Today, Casearia Carpenedo is the leading company in Italy when it comes to Aging, a technique that, through natural fermentation processes, manages to transform cheese into something special.
Many products they like to call them “Cellar Products”.
Antonio Carpenedo
Childhood spent on dad's shelves left him with an imprint of genuine flavors, of tasty truths that have magically remained stored on the shelves of his memory. We share his wonderful reflection on his past and his present.
“I remember the old wooden planks crowded with aged cheeses learning the importance of temperature, humidity, time and environment. I have always considered cheese to be something alive, a creature capable of evolving extraordinarily pampered by dad's wrinkled hands, who would knock on the crust every now and then as if to ask permission. I then put my hands in the dough, giving life to the cheeses in my dairy firsthand. What a wonderful and rich adventure to make cheese, taking advantage of the years in the workshop, thus completing a puzzle that has been on the table of life for years, still incomplete. How to transfer those lost flavors, changed after the war? Create, season, refine and then change a cheese into an emotion. My method, the Antonio Carpenedo method, was the answer, with the first Ubriaco cheese, Ubriaco di Raboso, who will soon turn forty years old. With him I tried my best to marry wine with the flavors of the earth, to get excited again and let you live instants and instincts, no longer distant and distinct from tastes. Because the details make the difference. The experience has given me the ability to prepare cheese to welcome flavors.
This process is often ignored by most. Being able to evolve a cheese to be then refined is a fundamental part of creating a unique product, because we change its organoleptic characteristics. It is completely transformed and becomes a container of flavors, a bank of perfumes, whether we are talking about wine, spices or hay. I always say that cheese falls in love and thanks to this it is completed to give us unique emotions.
The work begins with the love for animals, giving them good food in order to have excellent milk, healthy and rich in scents to be transferred, maintained and enhanced during maturation. Without this control of the entire supply chain, any type of subsequent processing would be useless and below my expectations. Every link in this chain is important for obtaining an excellent and lasting result.
In my life I have tried to put love in everything I do and I wanted to celebrate my wife and our union with Blu 61, because she was and is the one who completes me. 50 years of sharing a dream, effort and satisfaction, all inside my cheeses, which I have been imagining, creating and refining for almost 40 years.”