Spaghetti & Mandolino - home page / Our Producers / Orto2000
Orto2000: scopri i prodotti

The Orto2000 Agricultural Company, which includes a series of farms that come from the Illasi Valley and in particular from the town of Colognola ai Colli.

A long history behind the cultivation of fields and the production of fruits and vegetables typical of the territory.

Today, Orto2000 stands out for the quality of the product and its efforts to guarantee a &' adequate biodiversity for a territory where vineyards, olive trees and cherries represent the historical mix that still predominates today.

Orto2000 and the passion for the land

Cultivation techniques that safeguard nature and the soil, and guarantee the consumer perfect product health.

High quality for a company that has decided to save the Colognola ai Colli Pea, an ancient legume that is typically called 'biso' and in the plural 'Bisi de Colognola ai Colli' for which the procedure for the recognition of a Slow Food Presidium is opening.

With Orto2000 Spaghetti & Mandolino has established a collaboration agreement for the direct delivery of fresh product in containers that safeguard the freshness of the product even during the

delivery period.


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