Spaghetti & Mandolino - home page / Our Producers / Giamaica caffè
Giamaica caffè: scopri i prodotti

Gianni Frasi is a visionary roaster who takes his first steps from a small artisan workshop located in Verona, his hometown. A perfectionist and curator of the minimum detail, he is a pure researcher of excellence. Quality without ifs and buts. Its coffees are controlled by the single plant and its relationship with producers and suppliers is maniacal. The artisanal workshop all uses machines from the years '50 and its technique is decidedly conservative of originality and quality of the original bean.

Jamaica coffee and the exotic soul of its homelands

Gianni Frasi does not have a website, he does not use Facebook, but his customers have done them all one by one with a thrift and patience that has allowed him to share a dream. In its single-origin coffees, it is possible to capture all the most exotic and pure soul of the lands of origin. Today it is considered one of the best (for us it is the best) Italian roasteries and more.

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