Spaghetti & Mandolino - home page / Our Producers / Colombo
Colombo: scopri i prodotti

Gogliardo Ramelli is the patron of this beautiful Parma gastronomic reality. It is located in Polesine Parmense along the banks of the Po.

In that &' area, the Lower Parma area, where the great cold cuts of Parma are raised and refined.

Here the Ramelli and Gogliardo family, called Colombo, have dedicated their entire lives to the selection of the best raw and culatelli and have made it one of the most interpretive and absolute cuisines.

Colombo and the selection of raw materials

Gogliardo selects his culatelli for us, raw, with extreme seasoning, for extraordinary products. Our exclusive for all lovers of Parma and its cuisine. Here you can buy d& #39 works; culinary art. Here we go beyond the good known!

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