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Coffee Hat: scopri i prodotti

Coffee Hat is an Italian brand of “specialty coffee” presented to the public in a simple, practical way and in line with the times of modern life; trying to enhance and extract the exceptional characteristics of each individual coffee through the use of convenient capsules compatible with Nespresso machines. Coffee Hat aims to make curious customers with a sophisticated palate discover excellent single-origin coffee and blends developed by master roasters, communicating and educating the consumer about the fascinating world of coffee, which, like that of wine, is rich in history, culture, biodiversity and terroir, as well as methods of drying, roasting, preparation... this extraordinary bouquet of aromas, passions and stories with the flavor of coffee. The idea of the brand stems from the combination of the passion for the iconic “Panama Hat” hat and the extraordinary coffees of the Central American country with which this adventure began.

Coffee Hat between logo and values

The “Coffee Hat” logo in fact recalls a hybrid between the shape of the classic Panama hat and that of a coffee capsule. The values on which the company's philosophy is based are:
- excellence (in the choice of small coffee producers as well as in technological research on the functionality of the capsule);
- genuineness and traceability (we only use pure coffee of the highest quality and traceable from the plant to the cup);
- practicality (represented by the capsule format that allows you to enjoy top-level coffee at any time and place, without training as a barista but simply by pressing the button of your Nespresso or Dolce Gusto machine).

All the coffees in the Coffee Hat collection are imported while still green, then roasted and processed in Italy exclusively by master roasters. After roasting, the coffees are ground and encapsulated in a controlled atmosphere in special capsules that, in addition to having a particular patented device for the internal distribution of high-pressure water that allows perfect coffee extraction, are perfectly compatible with all Nespresso and Dolce Gusto machines without the risk of ruining the machines themselves. In the continuous search for the improvement of capsules, Coffee Hat is very committed to the development of 100% compostable capsules (not only biodegradable


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