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Ranise: scopri i prodotti

La Ranise is a family business located in Dolcedo, a small and ancient village in the extreme west of Liguria, an Italian region very renowned for its mild climate and traditional cuisine whose ingredients are the basis of the Mediterranean diet. The Ranise family created their company with passion and tenacity, recovering the olive groves that had been planted by their ancestors over the generations.

The Ranise company's flagship product is undoubtedly l&' olive itself and its cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil, obtained exclusively from the “Taggiasca” variety. Thanks to its light and velvety flavor, Ranise extra virgin olive oil is an essential component for the most refined cuisine, since its gentle aroma does not cover the flavors, but enhances them with unimaginable class. The continuous search for high quality has also led them to be among the first to obtain the Protected Denomination of Origin - Riviera Ligure - Riviera dei Fiori for this product.

In addition to extra virgin olive oil, the Ranise company produces appetizing gastronomic specialties, obtained from genuine raw materials and without the use of dyes and preservatives. The company's products, such as the fragrant “Genovese” Pesto, creams and pickles, are the result of the ability to reconcile respect for ancient traditions with the most innovative processing methods

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