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Tenuta Klaus Lentsch: scopri i prodotti
Tenuta Klaus Lentsch: scopri i prodotti

Klaus Lentsch is part of the large family of winemakers that belong to H.Lentsch, a historic family of producers founded in 1882. A talented, passionate, and capable young man, in 2013 Klaus bought the estate located in Campodazzo. A unique property consisting of three vineyards, each dedicated to three typical grape varieties of the Alto Adige region. The property is centered around a farmhouse from the 1200s where grapes were already being produced, as evidenced by the sales documents of that time.

He always says that the perfect recipe for happiness is to start the day with a smile and end it with a glass of his wine. But which wine?

Klaus Lentsch: wine from the three Cru

The three crus are: Eichberg, Fuchslan, Bachgart. In the first vineyard, Veltliner is grown, in the second Traminer Aromatico, and finally in the third Pinot Noir.

Klaus Lentsch: passion in the vineyard, technology in the winery

Today, the winery is technologically very advanced and operates in line with the latest knowledge regarding the preservation of the purity of the raw material and the identity of the grape variety.

Tenuta Klaus Lentsch: our inspirations

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