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Berlucchi: scopri i prodotti

Guido Berlucchi & C. S.p.A. is a &' Italian winery founded in 1955 by Guido Berlucchi, Franco Ziliani and Giorgio Lanciani in Franciacorta, the wine region of Brescia, in Lombardy. The company specializes in the production of classic method sparkling wines, i.e. effervescent wines obtained through

bottle fermentation. The

excellent wines of &' Berlucchi winery Berlucchi

wines are known for their elegance and refinement. This was one of the first companies to produce classic method sparkling wines using Chardonnay and Pinot Noir grapes carefully selected from the best Franciacorta vines. In addition to sparkling wines, Berlucchi also produces still wines such as Pinot Grigio and Moscato, obtained from grapes grown in the

Brescia area and in other Italian regions.

In 1961 Berlucchi signed Franciacorta's first sparkling Pinot Franciacorta Franciacorta

is a DOCG (Controlled and Guaranteed Denomination of Origin) that identifies the classic method sparkling wines produced in the Franciacorta area, which includes the provinces of Brescia, Bergamo and Cremona. Franciacorta was the first Italian sparkling wine to obtain DOCG, in 1967. Berlucchi has made a significant contribution to the promotion and development of DOCG Franciacorta, becoming one of the most representative companies in the area. It is difficult to describe the uniqueness of a Franciacorta without knowing the eclectic Franco Ziliani, the oenologist who, together with the noble and refined Guido Berlucchi, has changed the destiny of an entire region, making it one of the most valuable areas for Classic Method sparkling wines in the world. The production of this wine is carried out following the classic method, that is, using only the must of the Chardonnay, Pinot Blanc and Pinot Noir grapes and fermenting the wine in the bottle for at least 18 months. Today, Franciacorta is considered one of the best sparkling wines d&' Italy and is appreciated all over the world for

its elegance and refinement.

Berlucchi, a &' award-winning company in Italy and in the world

Berlucchi has become one of the best known and most appreciated wineries in Italy and abroad, and its wines have been awarded in numerous international competitions. #39 At the Decanter World Wine Awards, a prestigious international competition that awards the best wines in the world, Berlucchi won several d&' gold medals. Also at the &' International Wine & Spirit Competition, Berlucchi distinguished himself by winning numerous first prizes, as well as at Vinitaly, the most important wine show in Italy. Finally, their wines have received very high scores both in the Wine Spectator and in the Wine Enthusiast, two prestigious wine guides that select and review the best wines in the world.

These are just some of the prizes won by Berlucchi, who has also obtained awards in other important international competitions.



L&' Berlucchi company and the greenfriendly spirit



L&' Berlucchi company, to ensure the production of high quality wines in a responsible manner, is very attentive to environmental sustainability and has launched several projects for the conservation of &' ecosystem and protection of animal species present

in Franciacorta.

L&' company promotes the respectful cultivation of grapes, using sustainable cultivation techniques to reduce the environmental impact and preserve the quality of the grapes used in the production of wines. #39 It has also implemented various measures to reduce energy consumption, such as l&' use of solar panels and renewable energy sources, and to preserve &' ecosystem through the recycling and reuse of materials to reduce &' environmental impact of its production processes. Another point on which the &' company has focused is the protection of biodiversity through the creation of habitats for wildlife and the support of conservation projects for the animal species present in the area


Palazzo Lana and Berlucchi winery, a breathtaking wedding

One of the peculiarities of this renowned company is Palazzo Lana, a historic building located in Franciacorta, which houses the

Berlucchi winery.

Palazzo Lana is a building of great historical and architectural importance, built in the 18th century at the behest of Count Antonio Lana. Over the centuries, the palace has been home to various activities, from the manufacture of silks to the production of wines. In 1961, Berlucchi bought the building and transformed it into a modern and functional winery, equipped with cutting-edge technologies to guarantee the highest quality of the wines produced

. #39

Today, Palazzo Lana is an important reference point for the production of classic method sparkling wines in the Franciacorta area, and it also houses a tasting room and a high-quality restaurant.

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