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La Valle di Vico: scopri i prodotti

L&' “La Valle di Vico” farm is a hidden treasure in the beautiful region of Tuscia, immersed in the Lake Vico Nature Reserve, surrounded by volcanic soil. The very name of the &' company is inspired by &' enchanting Lake Vico, which is just a few steps away


Managed with passion and dedication by a family that has handed down this ancient tradition for four generations, “La Valle di Vico” cultivates olive, hazel and chestnut trees, with deep roots in history and in the land.


The Vico Valley: a family, four generations, a tradition of excellence

The main specialties of “La Valle di Vico” include hazelnuts, chestnuts and extra virgin olive oil. These products represent 100% l&' authenticity and the quality of &' company, from &' art of cultivating the land to transformation into the highest quality delicacies


Located on the picturesque hills of the Cimini Mountains, the products of “La Valle di Vico” are collected and processed following ancient traditions and natural methods, ensuring that all the properties of local excellence are best preserved.

Among the specialties, hazelnut reigns supreme. The Tonda, Gentile and Roman varieties of hazelnuts, rich in nutritional properties, are authentic gems for those who have the privilege of savoring them in their simplicity, perfection and purity. From these hazelnuts, the delicious and irresistible “Hazelnut Cream” are born


The “Hazelnut Creams”, available in two varieties: “Unica” and “Unica Intense,” are the result of &' harmonious union between the 100% hazelnuts of “La Valle di Vico”, the best cocoa, the delicious cane sugar from Mauritius, produced according to high standards of diet and sustainability, and l&' extra virgin olive oil from the same family business, which gives the desired creaminess and a truly unique note of taste.

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