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biologicoBasil aromatic plant for potted kitchen

    Orto2000    Typical product VenetoVeneto

3,80 per Vaso Ø 14 cm

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Basil aromatic plant for potted kitchen

For your kitchen, we offer you this aromatic plant that will provide you with fresh basil whenever you need it to flavor your creations at the stove or your dishes.

You can transplant this little plant in a pot or in the garden, and it will grow very well in full sun, but it also produces well in partially shaded areas up to a height of 60 cm.

For those who want to perform a transplant, the suggested period is from March to July. In the period preceding flowering, it is useful to remove the apical shoots; this will allow the plant to grow further.

Basil aromatic plant for potted kitchen: How is it produced

Orto2000, Veneto

Ingredients Basil aromatic plant for potted kitchen

Nutritional values

Basil aromatic plant for potted kitchen: use in the kitchen

Basil is indicated for the preparation of the classic pesto, the typical seasoning of Ligurian cuisine suitable for creating a variety of dry dishes, canapés, and flatbreads.

It can also be used in salads, with tomatoes, with seafood, and with chicken. Its essential oil is used for the production of perfumes and liqueurs. It is difficult to pair with other aromas such as rosemary, parsley, or thyme.

Where does it thrive? Easy, Gragnano IGP spaghetti, Piennolo tomatoes, and fresh basil for a first course that, even in summer, can only be the king of first dishes!

Tasting notes

Basil aromatic plant for potted kitchen: pairings

How to store Basil aromatic plant for potted kitchen At its best

Why do we like this product?

3,80 per Vaso Ø 14 cm

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