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biologicoMarjoram aromatic plant in pots for kitchen

    Orto2000    Typical product VenetoVeneto

3,80 per Vaso Ø 14 cm

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Marjoram aromatic plant in pots for kitchen

For your kitchen, we propose this small plant that will supply you with marjoram leaves whenever you need them to enhance your creations between the stoves or your dishes.

This plant should be placed in sunny, warm, protected, but also ventilated locations. Be careful: it does not tolerate low temperatures. It should be watered little and often. If you wish to transplant it, you can do so from February to the end of October.


The doctors of ancient Greece considered the marjoram plant a valid antidote against snake bites, rheumatism, and muscle pain. The ancient Romans, on the other hand, used it to treat bruises and eye problems. They called it "mazurana", and perhaps this is where the modern name derives from. The infusion of this herb is excellent in cases of difficult digestion, against abdominal pain, neuralgias, and to treat coughs and colds.

Marjoram aromatic plant in pots for kitchen: How is it produced

Orto2000, Veneto

Ingredients Marjoram aromatic plant in pots for kitchen

Nutritional values

Marjoram aromatic plant in pots for kitchen: use in the kitchen

The marjoram has a similar aroma to that of oregano, but is much sweeter. It should be used fresh, at the end of cooking, because drying it causes it to lose some of its aroma.

It enhances the flavor of meat, fish, vegetables, soups, sauces, and salads.

When dried, it is used instead of oregano, or together with it, for cooking grilled meats, vegetables, and sauces containing tomato.

Tasting notes

Marjoram aromatic plant in pots for kitchen: pairings

How to store Marjoram aromatic plant in pots for kitchen At its best

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3,80 per Vaso Ø 14 cm

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