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biologicoErmes Wholemeal red rice with vacuum controlled supply chain 1kg

    Pila Vecia    Typical product VenetoVeneto

13,50 per 1kg

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Ermes Wholemeal red rice with vacuum controlled supply chain 1kg

Produttore: Antica Riseria artigiana FERRON Gabriele Maurizio snc

Valori nutrizionali medi per 100g
Energia Kcal 328/KJ 1392
Grassi 1,4g di cui acidi grassi saturi 0,2g
Carboidrati 69,2g di cui zuccheri 0,2g
Proteine 7,4g
Fibre 4,8g

Ermes Wholemeal red rice with vacuum controlled supply chain 1kg: How is it produced

Pila Vecia, Veneto

Ingredients Ermes Wholemeal red rice with vacuum controlled supply chain 1kg

Nutritional values

Ermes Wholemeal red rice with vacuum controlled supply chain 1kg: use in the kitchen

Tasting notes

Ermes Wholemeal red rice with vacuum controlled supply chain 1kg: pairings

How to store Ermes Wholemeal red rice with vacuum controlled supply chain 1kg At its best

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13,50 per 1kg

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