Spaghetti & Mandolino - home page / Typical products / Cookies and almond

biologicoCoffee and almond cookies 200g

    Arte Gadi    Typical product ApuliaApulia

5,70 per 200g

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Delivery costs: 6,40 €
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Delivery in: 2 - 4 days
Availability: Excellent
Ingredient table / Allergens: Cereali contenenti glutine, Frutta a guscio, Latte, Soia, Uova
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Coffee and almond cookies 200g

Fragrante pasta frolla con mandorle tostate e polvere di caffè.

Stoccaggio e conservazione: Conservare il prodotto in un luogo fresco e asciutto

Coffee and almond cookies 200g: How is it produced

Arte Gadi, Apulia

Ingredients Coffee and almond cookies 200g

Ingredienti: farina di frumento, burro, zucchero, uova fresche, mandorle tostate, caffè, aroma di vaniglia
Allergeni: latte, uova, frutta in guscio, derivanti della soia, glutine
Shelf Life: 6 mesi dalla data di produzione

Nutritional values

Coffee and almond cookies 200g: use in the kitchen

Tasting notes

Coffee and almond cookies 200g: pairings

How to store Coffee and almond cookies 200g At its best

Why do we like this product?

5,70 per 200g

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