Spaghetti & Mandolino - home page / Wines, beers and spirits / White wines

biologicoBlanc de Blancs Classic Method Brut Sparkling Wine 750ml

    Ca' d'Or - Nobile Italian Wine    Typical product LombardyLombardy

21,00 per 750ml

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Ingredient table / Allergens: Solfiti superiori a 10 mg/L

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Blanc de Blancs Classic Method Brut Sparkling Wine 750ml

Blanc de Blancs Classic Method Brut Sparkling Wine 750ml: How is it produced

Ca' d'Or - Nobile Italian Wine, Lombardy

Ingredients Blanc de Blancs Classic Method Brut Sparkling Wine 750ml

Nutritional values

Blanc de Blancs Classic Method Brut Sparkling Wine 750ml: use in the kitchen

Tasting notes

Blanc de Blancs Classic Method Brut Sparkling Wine 750ml: pairings

How to store Blanc de Blancs Classic Method Brut Sparkling Wine 750ml At its best

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21,00 per 750ml

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