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biologicoPink peach flower decoration 135 pieces

    Decorfood Italy    Typical product VenetoVeneto

16,90 per 135 pezzi

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spedito dal produttore
Delivery costs: 8,00 €
Delivery in: 5 - 7 days
Availability: Excellent
Ingredient table / Allergens: Cereali contenenti glutine, Latte, Molluschi, Semi di sesamo, Soia, Uova

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Pink peach flower decoration 135 pieces

The flowers of the EaTools line are inspired by what nature offers us and are transformed into edible wafers, with which you can create decorations for your dishes and desserts.

Made with genuine ingredients and without the addition of preservatives, they are great on their own or garnished according to your creativity and availability of ingredients.

Pink peach flower decoration 135 pieces: How is it produced

Decorfood Italy, Veneto

Ingredients Pink peach flower decoration 135 pieces

Ingredienti: Farina di riso, Bianco di uovo, margarina vegetale, formaggio (latte pastorizzato, sale, caglio microbico) grattugiato liofilizzato, sale.
Coloranti alimentari: Rapa rossa.
Shelf life: 12 mesi dalla data di produzione

Nutritional values

Valore energetico / Energy value 408 kcal / 1721 kj
Grassi / Fat 10,6 g
Di cui saturi / Which satured 3,6 g
Carboidrati / Carbohydrate 57,9 g
Di cui zuccheri / Of which sugars 3,9 g
Proteine / Protein 20,2 g
Sale / Salt 3,5 g

Pink peach flower decoration 135 pieces: use in the kitchen

Tasting notes

Pink peach flower decoration 135 pieces: pairings

How to store Pink peach flower decoration 135 pieces At its best

Conservare in luogo fresco e asciutto.

Why do we like this product?

16,90 per 135 pezzi

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