Spaghetti & Mandolino - home page / Typical products / Chocolate and creams

biologico70% Guasare Criollo dark chocolate 50g

    Domori    Typical product PiedmontPiedmont

10,20 per 50g

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Delivery costs: 6,40 €
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Delivery in: 2 - 4 days
Availability: Excellent
Ingredient table / Allergens: Frutta a guscio, Latte, Soia

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70% Guasare Criollo dark chocolate 50g

The Guasare is a rare variety considered the mother of all Criollo varieties. It has been grown in the Domori plantation in Venezuela since 2002.

Among chocolate connoisseurs, it is known for its fineness and aromatic characteristics: notes of almond, caramel, old rose, and cream. It is devoid of acidity, featuring great sweetness and roundness. 

Perfect for those who love chocolate to be savored in all its fullness!

70% Guasare Criollo dark chocolate 50g: How is it produced

Domori, Piedmont

Ingredients 70% Guasare Criollo dark chocolate 50g

Ingredients: cocoa pasta and brown sugar. 
May contain traces of milk, nuts, and soy.

Nutritional values

Valore nutrizionale per 100g:

Valore Energetico Kcal 557 - KJ 2317
Grassi 37.0 g
di cui saturi 14.0 g
Carboidrati 43.0 g
di cui zuccheri 30.0 g
Proteine 9.0 g
Sale 0.0 g

70% Guasare Criollo dark chocolate 50g: use in the kitchen

Tasting notes

70% Guasare Criollo dark chocolate 50g: pairings

How to store 70% Guasare Criollo dark chocolate 50g At its best

Why do we like this product?

10,20 per 50g

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