Latte, fermenti lattici, caglio, sale
Allergeni: latte
Shelf-life: 180 giorni
Valori nutrizionali medi per 100g di prodotto
Energia: 1564kj / 377kcal
Grassi: 31g di cui saturi 21g
Carboidrati: 0,6g di cui zuccheri <0,5g
Proteine: 24g
Sale: 1,1g
Very versatile in the kitchen for its characteristic of melting easily and for its creaminess.
It preferably accompanies appetizers and fresh summer starters.
The wines are white and simple with a nice sapidity or aromatic like Muller Thurgau, Veltliner, Sauvignon Blanc.
€ 76,90
per 1/4 di forma 3,50 kg
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