Eat healthy with our whole wheat pasta: water and whole durum wheat semolina to give your first courses more nutritional values and more taste!
We all know that pasta is unquestionably the symbol of Italianness in the world and that it represents a fundamental food in the diet of many Italians. Having said that, however, it is important to emphasize that in recent years talking about pasta has become almost an understatement: in fact, many varieties of pasta have been created that differ in the raw materials used to produce them and that aim to satisfy everyone's needs and tastes.
Among the trends of greatest interest, we can certainly count the attention to all those particular dietary needs that have led to the birth of numerous new types of pasta such as, for example, gluten-free pasta, that is gluten-free for all those people who suffer from celiac disease, but also of all those other types of pasta that try to fully meet the various dietary needs.
The most common type is certainly whole wheat pasta, a variant that essentially meets dietary requirements. However, it is important to say that any type of pasta can be whole wheat because the fact that it is whole wheat is not an intrinsic characteristic of the pasta itself, but simply depends on the use of a different type of flour.
In fact, whole wheat flour is characterized by the different degree of processing that the cereal used to produce it undergoes. In fact, whole wheat pasta is characterized by a brownish color given to it precisely by the fact that the flour used is produced by grinding the whole grain, which also determines different nutritional values.
The online sale of this product follows the philosophy of Spaghetti & Mandolino, that is, to give lovers of Italian cuisine and excellent products the opportunity to have quality and truly special products at home. Shipping and packaging follow strict rules that allow all the characteristics and organoleptic properties of the product to be preserved
.Eating whole wheat pasta more often is one of those simple habits that can make a big difference to our health. In fact, whole wheat pasta is characterized by being a food with multiple beneficial properties. Without adding the fact that it can prove to be a pleasant alternative to the classic pasta produced using refined durum wheat semolina.
Whole wheat pasta is a type of pasta made from the mixture of water and whole durum wheat semolina. Recognized as a typical Italian product, wholemeal pasta from a chemical-compositional point of view does not differ much from the refined white one. However, there are differences that concern in particular the content of vitamins, salt and fiber.
Whole durum wheat semolina is obtained from a particular processing of durum wheat that is ground whole, thus also maintaining the bran, or the outermost part of the cereal, which usually represents the by-product of the milling of the cereal's caryoxide, which is then eliminated when refined white flour is produced. Wheat germ is also used, or the reproductive part of the seed, which is also generally discarded during flour refining processes. Wholemeal flour is therefore the most complete flour from a nutritional point of view precisely because it contains all the parts of the cereal.
The process with which whole wheat pasta is produced is practically the same as the refined one and the result is almost the same if it weren't for a particular aspect that essentially consists of a different, darker color tending to brown (a color that is given precisely by the high fiber content of whole wheat flour).
The main difference between these two types of pasta lies in their appearance and in their different nutritional values. Whole-wheat pasta, in addition to being a particular browned color, is more complete from a nutritional point of view because it provides on average more fiber, proteins, vitamins and minerals such as iron, phosphorus and zinc. It is a pasta that also has a reduced calorie intake because, in addition to containing less lipids, the fibers present in it slow down the absorption of carbohydrates.
In the everyday diet, it would be good to include whole wheat pasta for a long list of advantages and benefits that it can bring to the body. First of all, because of its higher fiber content, which promotes intestinal transit and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Beta-glucans, on the other hand, are sugars that are very useful for the immune system. The presence of group B vitamins, in particular B1, B2 and B3, in the bran and the germ is instead important for the nervous and cardiovascular system because it favors the production of energy at the cellular level.
Vitamin E and polyphenols, also present in bran and germ, have antioxidant properties capable of preventing cellular aging. No less important is the fact that whole wheat pasta has a lower glycemic index; this aspect added to the high fiber content make whole wheat pasta perfect to include in slimming diets instead of refined diets, first because the fibers give a greater sense of satiety and second because they limit the absorption of carbohydrates.
What are you waiting for? Discover all our formats of the best whole wheat pasta and bring well-being to the table but with taste!
6 Products / € 89,00
Fabio Ferrari
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