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biologicoItalian Wine Unplugged Grape by Grape

    Mamma Jumbo Shrimp    Produit typique ItalieItalie

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Frais de livraison : 6,40 €
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Lieu de livraison : 2 - 4 Journées
Disponibilité : Excellente
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Italian Wine Unplugged Grape by Grape

Un'enciclopedia concisa ma completa sui vitigni italiani

Italian Wine Unplugged Grape by Grape offre un'introduzione culturale e scientifica al vino italiano e alla sue centinaia di uve autoctone concisa ma completa. Il libro analizza oltre 430 vitigni autoctoni e tradizionali italiani divisi in modo accessibile e di facile lettura, codificati per colore. Capitoli sulla storia, la geografia e la cultura vinicola delle regioni d’italia completano le informazioni sulle uve italiane.

Progettato per offrire al wine lover contemporaneo una nuova esperienza di lettura, include un ampio apparato visivo con infografiche, mappe mentali, fotografie di grappoli e mappe sulle denominazioni dei vini italiani.

Sia come libro di riferimento che come guida di studio, Italian Wine Unplugged Grape by Grape è un libro di testo versatile che fa appello agli amanti del vino, agli educatori e ai professionisti del settore in tutto il mondo.

Lingua: Inglese
Pagine: 566

Italian Wine Unplugged Grape by Grape: Comment est-il produit

Mamma Jumbo Shrimp, Italie

INGRÉDIENTS Italian Wine Unplugged Grape by Grape

Valeurs nutritionnelles

Italian Wine Unplugged Grape by Grape: Utilisation en cuisine

About the Book of Italian Wine Unplugged Grape by Grape

Compiled by a team of Italian wine experts and educators, Italian Wine Unplugged Grape by Grape offers a concise yet comprehensive cultural and scientific introduction to Italian wine and its hundreds of native grapes. The book analyzes over 430 Italian native and traditional grape varieties in accessible, color-coded, and easy-to-read entries. Chapters on the history, geography, and the regional wine culture of Italy complement the scientific information on Italian grapes.

Designed to offer the contemporary wine lover a new reading experience, it includes an extensive visual apparatus featuring infographics, mind maps, photographs of grape bunches, and maps of Italian wine appellations. Both reference book and study-guide, Italian Wine Unplugged Grape by Grape is a versatile text which appeals to wine lovers, educators, and trade professionals all over the world. It is the companion book for the intermediate-level Italian Wine Maestro program

Language: English
Paperback: 566 pages

Notes de dégustation

Italian Wine Unplugged Grape by Grape: Pairages

Comment ranger Italian Wine Unplugged Grape by Grape À son meilleur

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