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Sangiovese e Lambrusco e outras histórias de vinhos

Lambrusco e Sangiovese and Other Vine Stories: l'interazione tra comunità umane e viti secondo Attilio Scienza e Serena Imazio

Dietro la coltivazione della vite e dei suoi frutti si cela una storia di popoli che hanno lavorato la terra, trasformato il paesaggio, prodotto e commercializzato vini, forgiando così comunità locali e globali.

In questo libro, i genetisti ed esperti della vite Attilio Scienza e Serena Imazio ricostruiscono la stirpe del vino. 

Attraverso analisi del DNA, archeologia, antropologia, mito e fonti letterarie, discutono dell'origine e dell'ascendenza di vitigni come Sangiovese, Ribolla, Primitivo e le numerose uve Moscato, Malvasia e Lambrusco.

I capitoli trattano anche varietà più ampiamente piantate come Chardonnay, Merlot, Syrah e Pinot, nonché l'impatto dell'epidemia di fillossera avvenuta nel diciannovesimo secolo.

In un modo scientifico ma accessibile, Lambrusco e Sangiovese and Other Vine Stories illumina la complessa interazione tra comunità umane e viti, in un viaggio che rivelerà storie avvincenti di migrazione, conquista, esplorazione e scambio interculturale.

Lingua: Inglese
Pagine: 259


Sangiovese e Lambrusco e outras histórias de vinhos: Como é produzido

Mamma Jumbo Shrimp, Itália

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Sangiovese e Lambrusco e outras histórias de vinhos: use na cozinha

About the Book of Sangiovese e Lambrusco and other wine stories

Behind the cultivation of grape vines and their fruits’ fermented juice lies a history of peoples who worked the land, transformed the landscape, produced and traded wines, thus forging local and global communities. In this book, vine geneticists and experts Attilio Scienza and Serena Imazio reconstruct the lineage of wine: using DNA analysis, archeology, anthropology, myth, and literary sources, they discuss the origin and ancestry of vines such as Sangiovese, Ribolla, Primitivo, and the many Moscato, Malvasia, and Lambrusco grapes.

Chapters also cover more widely planted varieties such as Chardonnay, Merlot, Syrah, and Pinot, as well as the impact of the phylloxera epidemic in the nineteenth century. In a scientific yet accessible way, Lambrusco, Sangiovese, and Other Vine Stories illuminates the complex interaction between human communities and vines, in a journey which will reveal riveting stories of migration, conquest, exploration, and cross-cultural exchange.

About Attilio Scienza & Serena Imazio, Authors of Sangiovese e Lambrusco and other wine stories

Attilio Scienza is Full Professor at the University of Milan, where he taught genetic improvement of the grapevine. His research interests include the genetic improvement of grape varieties and rootstocks by crossbreeding and clonal selection, the appraisal of old vines, and the study of interactions between the vine and the environment to enhance wine quality. He also worked on the preservation and enhancement of the Georgian germplasm. He is the author of 350 scientific publications and 15 books - both academic and of wider appeal - on topics related to the description of grape varieties as well as their relationship with the environment and historical origin. He also serves as the Chief Scientist of the Vinitaly International Academy, wine education provider specialized in teaching the diversity of Italian wine to international professionals.

After completing her degree in Biology in 2000, Serena Imazio begins her extraordinary journey into the wine world by pursuing doctoral studies on the origin and genetics of the grapevine. After her doctorate, she worked as a researcher at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and at the Centro di Trasferimento Tecnologico dell’Emilia Romagna, where she started to get in touch with the world of communication and scientific dissemination of knowledge to wider audiences. She considers herself very lucky since she managed to turn her unabashed curiosity for all things science and her love for the wine world into a fantastic job.

Language: English
Paperback: 259 pages

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