The Best Products with Truffle and Saffron

In this section you can find lots of precious ideas to enrich your table.

Our products are typical specialties of the Italian tradition embellished with the unique touch of truffles and saffron.

In our online shop you will find saffron risotto, creams, cheeses, truffle polenta and much more, all refined and refined flavors and flavors. We guarantee for you a standard packaging that preserves all the characteristics and properties of the product, and a fast shipment to allow you to have these flavors on the table in

a very short time.

Truffle and saffron are two very valuable products that represent a &' another of the countless Italian excellences. Each of these products has unique characteristics that make them the right choice for truly special occasions. Able to delight the palate of even the most demanding, all the truffles and saffron that we offer you Spaghetti & Mandolino are the fruit of the work and passion of the best Italian artisan producers.


The truffle is an underground mushroom, that is, it grows underground, with a shape similar to that of a tuber, which always lives in close contact with the roots of some plants in particular such as, among the most common, oak, poplar, hazel and many others. It consists essentially of two parts: the gleba, the fleshiest inner part, and the peridium, or the outer covering of the tattoo. The truffle is composed mostly of water, but also of fibers and mineral salts, organic substances supplied to it by the tree to which it is tied.

Talking about truffles is an understatement because in reality there are different types with different qualities, first of all the precious White Truffle, also known as Alba White Truffle. Then there are the Precious Black Truffle and the Black Truffle d&' summer also known as Scorzone Truffle, the perhaps most common and least valuable one. The shape of the truffle depends on the type of soil in which it develops: a hard soil rich in roots will make the truffle take on a lumpy shape, while a soft soil will promote the growth of a spherical shape.

Our offer can include many delicious truffle-based products including cheeses, oils and tasty sauces. Satisfy your desire for truffles by choosing from all our excellent products.


Saffron is a truly unique spice obtained from the stigmas of the Crocus sativus flower; each flower contains three stigmas that, once dried, will be ready to be used in the kitchen, mainly constituting the famous condiment with an unmistakable flavor. Having currently become a sterile plant, probably due to &' high artificial selection that crops have undergone over time, the reproduction of saffron can only take place thanks to &' human intervention.

Cultivating saffron, therefore, is extremely difficult and requires first of all a warm-temperate climate characterized by abundant spring rainfall and drier summers. Although it is mainly cultivated in Spain, Greece and Iran, whose cultivation represents about 90% of &' the entire quantity of saffron on the market, this spice is now also one of the countless Italian productions of excellence.

Cultivating saffron is a real art that requires extreme dedication, a lot of care and passion. This is precisely why we at Spaghetti&Mandolino decided to include in our offer saffron produced by two excellent realities in our beautiful country located in two wonderful but at the same time very different territories.

We are talking about Zafferano Lessinia, a young company born from the love of a girl from Verona for her territory, l&' plateau of the Lessini Mountains in the province of Verona. L&' our other selected producer is l&' Azienda Agricola Cleopatra also &' it was born from the passion for nature of a young girl from Brescia who moved to sunny and spectacular Sardinia.

But that's not all, because our offer consists not only of real saffron but also of a whole series of products that can claim as one of the ingredients precisely this unique and inimitable spice. Saffron lovers can therefore embark on a sort of journey through different gastronomic specialties that see saffron as a characterizing ingredient such as oils and cheeses.

An example is Bagoss di Bagolino, a truly extraordinary and extremely difficult to find cheese, produced in the mountains of Brescia with d& #39 milk; a semi-cooked pasture normally aged for at least 24 months. Its characteristic? During production, according to a &' ancient tradition, saffron is inserted into the pasta.


Spaghetti & Mandolino has always been synonymous with quality and professionalism: we are l&' the only e-commerce in Italy that guarantees a selection and that allows &' online purchase of the best truffle and saffron products. Precisely because of the quality, these products deserve shipping and packaging in accordance with the law that preserves the integrity, freshness and characteristics of each individual product through freshness-saving packaging and

packaging. #39

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